• PMO Studio

    PMO Studio

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PMO Studio

PMO Studio is a workshop course for professionals in business and project management who aspire to establish a centralized function or center of expertise in project management and transformative change.

Organizations worldwide are implementing project management processes and practices to execute their strategies and budgets on time, within budget, and with an agreed-upon level of quality. Part of the ability to perform better, faster, and cheaper comes from the ability to implement shared processes and practices across the entire organization.

The primary goal when creating a PMO (or its equivalent) in a company is often to ensure centralization and standardization within the organization. However, it’s important to understand that the established function should not only develop project practices and managerial skills but also serve as an accelerator of value on the path to implementing the company’s business strategies.

Creating a project management office may seem like a daunting task, which is why we’ve designed this course to explore various processes, aspects, and advanced PMO practices to provide our students with a logical and understandable model for establishing or enhancing a PMO.

How it works:

  • Practical focus
    You will gain access to current and effective tools for implementing PMO. The PMO Studio course includes theory, practical case studies, homework assignments, and templates of necessary documents. As a result, you will have a clear understanding of how to build PMO specifically in your company, taking into account its specifics.
  • Live online communication and networking with colleagues
    All sessions take place live in an online format on Zoom. We prefer live training and believe it is much more effective than learning from recorded lectures. Therefore, during the course, you will be able to receive immediate answers from the trainer to your questions and have the opportunity to discuss and exchange experiences with colleagues in the group. This allows you to absorb maximum information and gain insights from various perspectives on the topic.
  • International standards and practices
    The program is based on PMI standards and guidelines, as well as the best international practices in project management and building project offices, drawing on the experience of PMOs from leading global companies. Therefore, you will be able to master tools that are effective in the modern business environment.
  • Trainer-practitioner with vast experience
    The course instructor has over 15 years of professional practical experience in project management, programs, project and transformation offices across various industries. He is a winner of awards such as Best PMO in Ukraine and PMO of the Year, Europe. Additionally, Oleksiy is an experienced lecturer who delivers material based on his own professional experience, current trends, and acquired certifications. He will help you seamlessly integrate the newly acquired knowledge into your current professional activities.

Each session lasts for 4,5 hours and combines theoretical and practical components. The course begins with the basics of building a project management office and gradually covers all its aspects. We cover various aspects of PMO construction, both functional and strategic levels (EPMO).

This course is perfect for you if you:

  • are planning or already involved in managing and building successful PMO teams
  • actively contribute to the implementation of strategic initiatives in your company and have encountered challenges in change management and organizing new or redesigning existing processes
  • want to understand how to effectively manage project budgets and expenses
  • need to understand how to implement project processes and practices in your organization, as a business owner with a growing number of projects
  • wish to acquire the necessary knowledge to advance your career as a project manager and expand your scope of responsibility within the company, tackling new and unconventional professional challenges

Upon completion of the course, you will:

  • Learn to identify stakeholders’ needs in PMO establishment.
  • Know how to initiate the creation of a PMO with clear strategies and goals.
  • Possess comprehensive knowledge and skills for building and effectively managing PMOs.
  • Be able to develop a comprehensive system for tracking project and program statuses, progress, and results.
  • Master tools for fostering effective teamwork.
  • Understand how to optimally utilize modern tools to enhance and streamline your workflow.
  • Be familiar with the latest trends to implement innovations in your projects.
  • Understand what it takes to implement company strategy and manage change.
  • Be capable of handling chaos in active projects and acquire skills in building efficient and effective business processes.

The language of instruction for the course is Ukrainian, with the use of English in the materials.


Module Program

Module 1 – PMO Fundamentals

  •  Concepts and definitions of Project Management Office, types of project offices
  • PMO is always about value: enabler & accelerator
  • Trends in project management influencing the choice of PMO type
  • Agile & PMO – how it works
  • Lifecycle of PMO
  • Role and value of PMO in company business development and from a C-level perspective
  • Main directions of PMO activities
  • PMO leader – who is he/she?

For whom:

  • Project/Program/Portfolio Managers (IT and non-IT sectors)
  • PMO Leaders
  • Business Owners
  • CxOs who aim to enhance the company’s strategy implementation

Часто задаваемые вопросы

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Free event

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!Обратите внимание, что иногда письма попадают в папки Спам/Реклама/Промо-акции!

Paid trainings

Чтобы подать заявку на участие в обучении, вам необходимо зарегистрироваться. нажав на кнопку «Зарегистрироваться» на странице выбранного мероприятия. Обратите внимание, что заявка на участие не гарантирует наличия места в группе на мероприятии позже или в день его проведения. Чтобы гарантированно попасть на событие, необходимо внести 100%-ную предоплату.

Как оплатить участие?

Оплатить любое событие можно на сайте после заполнения регистрационной формы — откроется страница оплаты. Все онлайн-платежи проводятся через систему Portmone.com, которая предоставляет надёжный и безопасный механизм оплаты. Она базируется на современных технологических решениях, которые сертифицированы международными платёжными системами (Verified by Visa и Mastercard SecureCode) и соответствуют всем требованиям безопасности, предъявляемым к такого рода системам сегодня. Мы не имеем доступа к данным вашей банковской карты.

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Также вы всегда можете написать на нашу почту, ответив на наше письмо о регистрации, и мы сформируем и отправим вам ссылку на оплату.

Можно ли получить счет для оплаты от юридического лица?

Конечно, мы без проблем выставляем счет на оплату, а также, по необходимости, подписываем договор с заказчиком.

Для оплаты обучения от юридического лица свяжитесь, пожалуйста, с менеджерами Е5 по email или по телефону. А для сокращения времени подготовки документов, просим направлять такую информацию в письме: реквизиты заказчика, название тренинга, количество участников и их контактную информацию.

Что происходит после оплаты?

После совершения оплаты, нам приходит об этом уведомление и мы отправляем вам письмо с подтверждением о зачислении в группу участников события.

За 3-4 дня перед событием мы отправляем вам письмо-напоминание с деталями (где, когда, какое расписание).

!Обратите внимание, что иногда письма попадают в папки Спам/Реклама/Промо-акции!

Будут ли отправлены участникам материалы тренинга?

После каждого занятия мы отправляем участникам follow-up письмо с материалами к этому занятию. Это могут быть:

  • презентации;
  • видеозаписи (для онлайн формата);
  • дополнительные документы/материалы от тренера;
  • список дополнительной литературы.
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